'Tis the Snuggly Season: Our Fav Cool & Cosy Jammies

'Tis the Snuggly Season: Our Fav Cool & Cosy Jammies
By Beaut.ie  | Nov 24, 2015

The minute I sit down at my desk every morning, I look forward to getting back into my pyjamas that evening. And if you don't think like that, then I'm not sure that we could be friends.

I like to be cosy; I like being snuggled under my duvet on cold winter nights. And it's made even more delightful when I have new jammies and thanks to my mother, I always get a new set at Christmas.

There's something about this time of year that makes me love pyjamas more; during the summer it's warm and so throwing on a t-shirt is the routine bedtime attire. But now it's Baltic outside and tops and bottoms that cover every inch of us are required.

And they must match. That's a non-negotiable.

From top left: Shaun the Sheep set, €14, Penneys; Floral pyjamas, Rosie for Autograph at M&S, €49; Dressing gown, M&S, €39; Blue slippers, €49, Brown Thomas; Booties, €11.99, New Look

Fabric is personal choice but I do love cotton. It's so soft, and it's a very hard working fabric. It keeps you warm but it also helps to regulate your temperature so you don't over heat. Satin is also wonderful but you have to watch out for the material used or else you'll find yourself in a sweat about 3am in the morning.


I don't mind polyester so much and it tends to be the most popular choice. Fleece pjs are perfect for snuggling up on the couch and if you are a cold creature then these will do the job at night time. And speaking of fleece, I also adore dressing gowns and a fleece style is lovely to get into when you get out of the bath. M&S have so many to choose, from about €30.

Left: Star PJs from a selection at Joules; Heidi Klum top, €52.50 and matching bottoms, €49 both from Brown Thomas

Or if you want to stay super warm, add this from Tiger your stocking!

€6, Tiger

What kind of jammies do you love snuggling into at night? And will you have a new pair for Xmas, the Late Late Toy Show or the Christmas Eve box tradition where a shoebox gift is filled with jammies, a DVD and some chocolate for the movie?