You Are What You Eat: McDonald's Launch a Clothing Range...

You Are What You Eat: McDonald's Launch a Clothing Range...
By David  | Mar 26, 2015

We can thank Sweden for this madness. Debuting at the 'McWalk' fashion show in Stockholm, the clothing range springs off the success of a line of Big Mac emblazoned thermal underwear which you can buy for 495 SEK (which works out at about €50).

It's kind of jokey then. But would you pay €50 for a novelty present?

Other items in McDonald's new 'lifestyle collection' include Big Mac bed sheets, wallpaper, a body warmer for your dog, a rain mac and wellies. 


That poor dog looks so miserable.

In case you were wondering why McDonald's were trying to make even more money for themselves, all the profits from the sale of the Big Mac range of items will actually go to Ronald McDonald House Charities.

The clothing range is only available in Sweden for the time being, so if you want a Big Mac outfit you're just going to have to pull a Gaga and staple/glue some together and make a dress out of them. 

Via Ad Week/BigMacShop