Now is the time to put a skincare routine to detox your skin in action and get it into great condition before the silly season.
Over Christmas and the new year, we tend to overindulge. Our skin is often at the mercy of our socialising and partying. Christmas brings all the things that our skin generally doesn't like. It's a time for overindulging. We tend to binge on pretty much everything in December. We go 'out out' more, we overeat, we drink more alcohol than usual and there are tins of Roses everywhere. Our skin doesn't stand a chance in the midst of all the fun. But, if you detox your skin before Christmas, you can get that healthy glow before all the madness.
Skin Diet
A diet for your skin is much the same as a healthy eating plan. If you are eating well to lose weight or get healthy it is likely your skin will benefit from it too. All the things that are bad for our bodies take a toll on our skin, too. Sugar is the main culprit to avoid. It's like poison for your skin. There are three main components of the 'glowing skin diet'. Firstly, you need to drink lots and lots of water. Aim for two litres a day for optimum hydration. Next, eat as much green food as possible. Greens like kale, spinach, broccoli are full of vitamins that are vital to your skin's health. Finally, cut out sugar as much as you can. Clean eating is the fastest way to detox your skin.
Chemical Exfoliation
Forget scrubbing the life out of your skin in an attempt to get rid of flaky skin. Move with the times and get yourself a chemical exfoliator. Glycolic acid is an amazing exfoliator. It will remove all the dead skin cells from the surface of your skin but it also gets much deeper than a traditional scrub. Glycolic acid works by getting deep down into your skin and melting the skin glue that holds all the dead skin cells beneath the surface. Once your skin sheds all of the dead skin cells it will look much brighter and healthier.
Mineral Makeup
Invest in a brilliant mineral makeup. Realistically you will be wearing makeup more than usual over Christmas. If you wear a mineral makeup it won't clog your pores or dry out your skin. Lots of the usual foundations we use cause blackheads and congestion. A pure mineral makeup will be much kinder to your skin. Start wearing it now to let your skin breath before the onslaught of Christmas.
Will you be preparing your skin before Christmas hits?