Teenage Fanclub: Essence Pure Skin Anti-Spot Mousse Makeup

A couple of days ago I wrote about Urban Decay's new foundation that I think is quite nice but it brought me back to teenage-dom because it was totally the wrong colour for me,  i.e orange. 

I wish Essence Pure Skin Anti-Spot Mousse makeup existed when I was a girl walking to school on a dirt track with no shoes on. I love me some mousse makeup and while I like the idea of the natural look and would love to be able to get away with light coverage, I like my makeup to be makeup. I like it to disguise my complexion. I don't care if it's obvious that I'm wearing makeup, if it covers up all the blemishes that's fine with me!


Sorry about that tangent, back to Essence. They've released a new dermatologically tested Pure Skin range geared at those of the younger variety that covers cleansing, spot resistance and coverage for troublesome skin. It features a "Clearderm Complex" which contains anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory ingredients specifically selected to target problem areas and impurities. In the ingredients list is: salicylic acid, zinc PCA, allantoin and bisabolol.

Anyone who likes Catrisse mousse makeup will like Essence Pure Skin Anti-Spot Mousse makeup because it's practically the same thing. The texture is soft and creamy, easy to blend, it's lightweight but rather thick (if you want it to be) and stays put on your face for ages and ages and ages. It has quite a matte finish so you can get away with not wearing powder although if you really do have so-called 'teenage skin' - be you an actual teenager or no - you might want to. The super thing about it is that it contains all of those spot-busting 'clearderm complex' ingredients to clear your skin while covering it all up!

essence swatch

Now, back to my school days. In that time of yore absolutely no one would recommend slathering your face with makeup if you had troublesome skin. However, this kind of thing didn't exist. I have to be honest, I don't know if it works, I may have the skin woes of a teenager but it's also aquired a lot of other afflictions along the way; it's sensitised, dry in some places and... and ageing. Let's test it on a teen! Any takers?


essence smear

Now for the bad part. It comes in only two shades! Two! Matte Beige and Matte Sand. For 'different skin types' apparently. Now. Come on. As you will see in the pic below, the Matte Beige looks alright... but look at my pinky white neck. Wrong. FYI I brought the makeup down my neck as far as I could be bothered to and it is on my ears too. Except the tops.

And another thing, it may only cost €4.79 but the pot is very little at 14 g and you need to scoop out a good bit to mask your whole face. 

essence face


Read more about all things makeup here!


Have you tried Essence makeup before? Would you recommend something like this to a chisler? Let's hear it in the comments! 

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