Red Lips, No Knickers?

Red Lips, No Knickers?
By  | Aug 16, 2007

The mammy has a favourite expression relating to the wearing of red shoes, and I'm pretty sure I've blogged about it before. She reckons that gals who wear shoes of scarlett have no morals, and therefore, no keks. So what she'd have to say about red lipstick, well - I can only guess. But jezebel springs to mind.

She'll have to lick it up though, because red is a huge trend for autumn. Now, I know people are turned off by it and find it hard to wear, so if you'd like to try the trend, but aren't sure you can carry off the thick, matte Hollywood style pout that's been on all the catwalks, why not start by trying something a little bit more sheer?


Like, say, this Lancome Juicy Wear Sheer Duo? It's an Ultra Lasting Sheer Color & Full Shine Lip which you layer over the top. Glam, but not cakey and scary. Perfect for a first time out red, and at only €21 from Strawberrynet, it won't break the bank either.