Prepare for take off: bomber jackets rock this season

Prepare for take off: bomber jackets rock this season
By  | Jun 28, 2013

They originated during WW1 when pilots needed something to keep them warm and snuggly - and so began a trend that never vanished.   If you choose a bomber jacket this season you can be sure to find one that's rocking (sometimes several) other trends along with it.  All out preppy?  Tough and embellished? You've got it.

Although Rihanna looks deeply unhappy encased in her bomber jacket, we can only hope that it's keeping her snug and warm just as it's intended to do.  Though maybe not.  It stops just under her boobs.  Oh silly RiRi!

If you thought floral blazers were the only jacket rosy in the garden this summer you'd be wrong.  Look at these lovelies.


Monochrome.  Monochrome floral, monochrome embellished... only beaurriful with white jeans.

So whaddya think?  Like bombers or will you be giving them a miss?