5 new pieces on the high street you'll ignore the sales for

5 new pieces on the high street you'll ignore the sales for
By Miriam Burke  | Jun 26, 2017

We're so over the sales. The only new purchases in our wardrobe will be on trend for next season or classics

The sales are in full manic swing, and we've suddenly got a pile of clothes in the corner that we don't think we want anymore. You can't give back sale stuff though, right? And besides, we might want to wear that cold-shoulder crop top some day...

For the rest of the month, we're leaving our cards at home. This week is purely window shopping only. So, we're ignoring the sales and focusing on the new-in-store pieces that will hopefully still be there once out bank balance doesn't look so unhealthy.

H&M €99.99

Now, this is a showstopper. But one that you can wear with flats for a lunch al fresco or with heels for a fancier look. The pink shade makes accessorising a cinch (as in, you can just let that baby do all the talking for itself).

Zara €59.95

Like the pink dress, on paper, this could be a bit girlish. In reality, it can be the coolest piece you have in your wardrobe.

New Look €34.99

If you want to try the dress over jeans thing, but you're not quite sure it will work for you, try a kimono top instead. It's the same idea but won't swamp you as much as a dress could.

River Island €75

I am simply a sucker for shoes. I would bring these ones on holiday for the one evening we might go that fancy restaurant.

Topshop €50

I saw a woman wearing a mid-length denim skirt with a blouse and silver brogues this morning, and now I want a mid-length denim skirt with a blouse and silver brogues. Her's was a button down, but I think this zip version works just as well. And I'm sure I had something like it in 2005.