This bridesmaid dress is the most Pinned and it's chic, flattering and affordable

This bridesmaid dress is the most Pinned and it's chic, flattering and affordable
By Miriam Burke  | Sep 9, 2016

Just because something is popular doesn't mean it's actually that nice, or rather, it doesn't mean that it's to everyone's taste. Take the Rachel Cut, for example. I asked for it when I was a teenager and the hairdresser obliged. And I looked like Rod Stewart. You live you learn. But here's a bridesmaid dress that may just work for all.

The most popular wedding dress in the entire universe according to Pinterest, who can be trusted because whether you're from Earth or Venus, if you're a bride you have a few thousand Pinterest boards, is not actually one that will suit everyone. It's very pretty, though. Same with the most popular engagement ring; some people just won't like it.

Now, Pinterest has revealed the most pinned bridesmaid dress, and we think it might be an exception: this dress is gorgeous, and will flatter anyone.

Most pinned bridesmaid dress

The Lace Illusion Neckline Dress from Camille La Vie is simple, classic and it won't date (too badly). In case you're scoffing and think that that blush colour won't suit your pasty skinned BMs (I know it's not just me), never fear, it comes in eight colours, including black. The best thing? It costs under €200.

What's the worst bridesmaid dress you've ever been in / seen?