Disfigured by Stye: need help!

When you compare it to a coldsore or a double headed zit, a stye is not the worst calamity that can befall a gal - but it sure ain't purty.

No, I've no idea why I'm writing in cowgirl speak - maybe the stye is bringing out my country 'n western style misery?

Anyway yesterday I woke up with a stye.  A bloody stye!  On my eyelid!  And it hurt and I looked disfigured - like Quasimodo or the Elephant Man. I quickly Googled the best treatment for this affliction and read with a sinking feeling that the best cure is... time.

TIME!  Pah!  I HATE when the cure for something is time.  I want action.  Results.  The quicker the better and I don't care if I have to suffer to get them.


But it looks like I have no choice this time.  No popping, poking or prodding of the stye was to be allowed.  No over the counter treatments existed.  In fact the only thing you can do is dab it with a wet washcloth a few times a day and avoid eyemakeup.

Hang on.  Rewind.  Avoid eyemakeup?  There's no way that was happening.  Instead I drew over the stye with eyeliner (must remember to throw that one in the bin to avoid reinfecting myself) and suffered for the day.  It feels massive although other people keep reassuring me that "I can't see anything.  Where?", but I know by the shifty looks on their faces that they're big fat liars.

Do you get styes?  And if so how  do you deal with them?  I need advice!

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