Awards 2014: All Categories Now Shortlisted, Hurrah! Have You Had Your Say? Awards 2014: All Categories Now Shortlisted, Hurrah! Have You Had Your Say?
By  | May 16, 2014

This week has been a busy one at HQ as we brought you all the shortlists for the Awards 2014. Hurrah!

But have you ever wondered what actually goes on behind the scenes to bring you those lists?

Well, let me shed a little light - in the words of Count Dracula, count vit maaay! The process involved almost thirty six thousand votes, twelve gallons of coffee, eight packets of chocolate biscuits and one incident involving a calculator being flung across the room*.

But the result has been worth every drop of blood, sweat and spilt coffee because we were so delira and excira this week to share the shortlists across the four categories of Hair, Body, Face and Makeup with you.

And if you haven't voted in these shortlists yet, make sure that your voice is heard! Click on the links below to bring you to the shortlist page for each of the four categories.

Ask not what your product can do for you, but what YOU can do for your product (points finger with big hat on head).


Hair Category Shortlist

Body Category Shortlist

Makeup Category Shortlist

Face Category Shortlist

And remember, it doesn’t matter at all if you didn’t nominate in the first round – you can vote for your faves now. And make sure to send this to a friend – the more people that vote in this final round the more representative the winners will be. And isn't that exactly what we want?

So, which products will make it across the finishing line? On your marks, get set, GET VOTING!

Shortlist voting remains open until midnight Wednesday 21st May 2014.

*No calculators were hurt in the creation of these shortlists.