5 fab not black work jackets you can wear with your jeans at the weekend

5 fab not black work jackets you can wear with your jeans at the weekend
By Miriam Burke  | Mar 21, 2017

It looks like it should be springtime (and, officially, it is) but it sure feels like winter.

It's freezing outside, and I'm sitting here at my desk roasting in my woolly jumper. You just can't win this time of year. After the clocks change on Sunday, though, the temperature will be on the up and up, and the best way to transition from coat to jacket is, maybe surprisingly, with a blazer.

You can wear it with a jumper underneath, you can wear it with a huge scarf, and then you can wear it to work all year long, basically.

We've found five cool jacket/blazers on the high street that will have you looking perfectly respectable at work, but pair with jeans or a mini at the weekend and you've got an entirely different look.

  • Penneys €23
