Stylish TV characters can have as much influence on fashion as real people. We're looking at eight favourites, who changed the face of style.
Stylish TV characters have become icons in their own right over the years. The beauty of a fictional character is that they can live outside the boundaries of current trends. Interestingly, by doing that, they can eventually start moulding fashion. For example - remember Carrie's giant flower corsage? Before the show, big flowers were the reserve of Bozo and his fellow clowns (water squirter optional). After it aired, suddenly everyone wanted one.
Here is our pick of eight of the most stylish TV characters of all time:
Claire Underwood - House of Cards
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House of Cards boasts a lot of twists and turns in its political drama but another thing it has is Claire Underwood. And no one does tailoring quite like Mrs Underwood. As she takes centre stage in the sixth season, so too do a host of new stylish outfits. Sharp lines, perfect cuts and exquisite fabrics - being buttoned up has never looked so good.
Eddie & Patsy - Absolutely Fabulous
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Fashion icon or fashion victim? Whatever way you think of it Eddie and Patsy gave us their version of fashion with a twist in the classic sitcom. From Patsy's giant beehive to Edina's faux fur coats, we couldn't get enough.
Bedelia du Maurier - Hannibal
A niche show that sat in the "love or hate it" genre of horror, Hannibal ran for 3 seasons. Those who could stomach the gore, know there was plenty of beauty to be had too. Mainly, this came from Hannibal Lector's suits (which were amazing) and Gillian Anderson who played Dr Bedelia du Maurier. Between the Hollywood curls (never out of place), perfectly cut dresses, silk shirts and ball gowns, her exquisite style was a feast for the eyes.
Rachel Green - Friends
From the very get-go, Rachel was the style icon in Friends. She even brought us "apartment pants". Each season we followed her, drooling over her hair, clothes and general ability to be incredibly fashionable at all times.
Blair Waldorf - Gossip Girl
There was style galore in Gossip Girl but Blair was the one everyone wanted to be like. Special mention has to go her ability to mix and match prints, wear hairbands and pull of sexy-school-girl without looking tacky.
Hilary Banks - Fresh Prince of Bel Air
Anyone that grew up in the '90s wishes they had Hilary's wardrobe (and budget!). Now the floppy hats and oversized jackets might seem a little dated, but at the time we all wanted to be her.
Betty Draper - Mad Men
If Don Draper was most stylish man on TV thanks to Mad Men, Betty Draper was the most stylish woman. We loved watching her style revolution from 50s prim dresses to 60s looks and everything in between.
Carrie Bradshaw - Sex & The City
Each of the characters in SATC had their own unique voice when it came to fashion. From Charlotte's prim and proper style to Samantha's over the top power suits. But it is Carrie who has always been considered the real style icon. Her love of shopping, ability to run in heels, and incredible closet shaped fashion forever.
Do you have any favourites to add to the list?