November Editor's Letter: All in the preparation

November Editor's Letter: All in the preparation
By Miriam Burke  | Nov 2, 2018

Hallowe'en is over, Christmas is on the way. Poor November, it doesn't have much going for it except for its sandwich status.

November is a month for cleansing. It's a month for preparation. God help any November babies, your birthday parties are bound to be kind of boring. Is November a worse month than January? Probably not. Instead of feeling completely wrecked and ready to give up the booze and cake forever, in November you want to live clean and do all the good stuff because, you know it, Christmas in Ireland is a Big Deal.

Last weekend, I, like many others, overdid it. It was a bank holiday; I was in Galway, the weather was dry. How could I not? Getting it all out of your system on the long weekend is a good way to enter November wanting to be good. This month in Beaut HQ we're swapping cocktails for hot chocolate. Instead of going for drinks after work on Fridays, we're going home. Rather than spend the evenings binge-watching shows on Netflix, we'll be doing something wholesome like making our own Christmas cards.

We're also going to really look after our skin. We're changing up our routine for winter, and we're doing face masks, like, twice a week. Sarah wrote about how face mapping might be beneficial in getting to the bottom of your breakouts - read about it here. We're going to get up early and do some stretches. We're limiting ourselves to one coffee a day. We're definitely not eating any trash and we're for sure not drinking. For. Sure.


Let's not hate November. Let's think of it as a month of preparation and a month of zen. Maybe, once December rolls round, we won't even want to party. And, if we don't, we'll start all over again in January.

Keep up to date with all things skincare, makeup, wellness and style (have you read about the €23 maxi dress that will solve your style binds this winter yet?) right here on Beaut.