5 gorgeous pieces that hit the high street this week

5 gorgeous pieces that hit the high street this week
By Miriam Burke  | Nov 4, 2016

Look around. It's full on sparkle season. The lights may not be on yet, but they're up and swinging in the breeze. In the same way, we haven't received our first C-word party invitation yet, but we can begin to prepare. How? By scouring the high street for nice things to wear.

November is traditionally a time to save and live like the Pope basically. It's hard, though. Especially when the shops are full of things like these:

I know I said something about animal print and looking like Bette Lynch and it's hard not to... something like that. Anyway, look at this furry wonder. There's something very Edie Sedgwick about this and you know what that screams? Classic.


Got a winter wedding to go to? Now you're sorted.

If it's a top you can wear to work with the intention of going out for drinks as soon as the clock strikes 5 you want, this is it.

Jazzy boots with a heel you can actually walk in. Nuff said.

I'll just leave this here.