We are legit obsessed with these high fashion shoes... from Mango

We are legit obsessed with these high fashion shoes... from Mango
By Miriam Burke  | Apr 12, 2018

Mango, it seems, is the place to go for shoes. You won't see anything like them in any other high street store

We're making Thursday Shoesday happen. Why should Tuesday have all the joy? Although it honestly does not matter what day it is - you have to know about these shoes.

Somebody let a crazy into the Mango buildings and gave them a golden key to the shoe dept. It's the only explanation for these wonderous shoes that are ready for the picking from the high street store. Like, where did these come from?

Geometric heel leather sandals €89.99

THEY HAVE DIFFERENT HEELS! Whoever let this happen is our Hero of the Day (tm).

They're not the only unexpectedly amaze shoes in the Mago catalogue at the mo. Eh, these ones have a little flower in the heel. What?


Flowered heel leather shoes €69.95

Your new comfortable work shoe (you're welcome).

Combined heel suede mules €59.95

Come awn.

Metal heel leather mules €69.95

And these lilac - the shade of the summer - bad boys are coming soon.

Geometric heel suede shoes €59.95