There's a Carolyn Donnelly dress on sale in Dunnes that you will live in this wintery week

There's a Carolyn Donnelly dress on sale in Dunnes that you will live in this wintery week
By Miriam Burke  | Jan 12, 2017

It's days like this when all you want to do is stay as cosy as possible.

Even if it's not snowing in your area quite yet, there's that distinct bloody freezing atmosphere that peels every inch of style away from your carefully curated self. Times like these, half the time I live in woolly jumpers and jeans, thick socks and boots and I don't care who sees me, I'm wearing my big, padded puffa coat.

Those other days, when the heat comes on before I wake up, giving me a false impression of what conditions await me when I open the front door, I wear tights, boots and a smock dress. Yes, a smock dress. It's not as 'why are you wearing a maternity dress when you're not pregnant' as it sounds. It's plain black; I got it in ASOS for nothing, and it's the handiest thing I have in my wardrobe.

Putting outfits together is a cinch, which is exactly what you need when facing the mother of a winter's day. Going to work? Wear the dress, tights and whatever shoes. Going out? Wear tights and high heeled boots with a pendant to jazz it up.


In Carolyn Donnelly's The Edit collection for Dunnes Stores is a metallic shapeless dress that is perfect for this time of year, and it's so versatile, you can wear it every day for different occasions. Just scrape off any pesky stains that might appear and give it an aul spray with Febreeze.

The cocoon shape won't make you look bulky; anyone will know it's supposed to be like that. Accessorise with chunky necklaces, silk scarves or pendants. It's €39, down from €89, which is a great bargain. And it can definitely be plucked from the back of your wardrobe once winter strikes again at the end of the year.