A thousand and one years ago, I was invited to go to the Debs. I had to go, obviously, and all of my friends were going too, but I didn't really care for going dress shopping. Weird, I know.
All of my friends went far and away to find their perfect frock while I dove into a tiny boutique (if you could call it that, which, in fairness you really couldn't) in my home town and picked up the first long dress I saw that fit me. It was light blue, made from horrible shiny material and it was in the style of the dress that Sienna Miller wore to the High-Rise premiere in Spain on Tuesday.
Well, I mean it was like the style of Sienna's Galvan dress. I would have liked it be be, in hindsight. Where my dress was synthetic, Siennas' is satin. Where her hair is coolly slicked back, I fashioned my bright blonde barnet into poodle curls (why?). Where she kept her makeup to the minimal, I plastered it on - smokey eyes AND a bright lip.
Whether or not you dare to forego a bra or not, this is the way to wear a slinky dress.
Look at that smile. She knows. Not everyone can pull this look off, we'll admit that now. And girls, if you're looking for Debs inspiration maybe think about investing in a pair of pasties. But a slinky dress styled with pulled back hair, bare eyes and a slick of lippy? It's the coolest glam look we've seen in a while.
What do you think think? Does this look get your seal of approval? If you were to wear a dress like this how would you do your hair and makeup?