The It Bag of the summer will fit all your stuff and go with everything you wear

The It Bag of the summer will fit all your stuff and go with everything you wear
By Miriam Burke  | May 11, 2017

Every season brings a new It Bag, but this year, you can buy it for the season and continue wearing it every summer after

When you think of It Bags, Chanel or Louis Vuitton, YSL or Gucci probably spring to mind. The It Bag usually costs more than a month's salary; it's 'It' because it's unattainable. But as fast fashion takes over, investment IT bags are not as hot a commodity they once were.

Celebrities used to be able to swing a designated bag of the year around town two seasons before anyone else with the cash could pick one up in BTs. Anyone waiting for a high street lookalike would have to be patient for another two season and by then, the style would be totally passé.

Will Alexander/

That's not to say it's not worth investing in a bag formally called 'It'; having a really, really good classic bag is a dream of mine (and I'll probably pick mine up from Siopaella, when the time comes).

But, this summer, the only bag to be seen with is a straw shopping tote. French Style is what everyone wants to channel these days, and the straw tote is what all the chic Parisians will be using to carry their essentials when the weather's warm. It's handy, seasonal and will go with all of your summer ensembles.


They're super affordable, too. Here are our three favourites on the high street (but go to a seaside town, and you'll find one for a fiver).