We try to resist but Pippa O'Connor knows how to get us shopping! This Zara blouse is simply divine.
Damn you, Pippa O'Connor! We promised ourselves that we would resist the lures of Zara but we just can't. Not with this lovely piece of material, fashioned into a pussy-bow blouse. On paper, it's not even our style. It's bright yellow, for one thing, which is seriously hard to pull off. And there's so much material for one little blouse. If we saw it on the shop floor, we'd step over it. Even the Zara model doesn't sell it to us. But on Pippa, we want.
She wears with a pair of her own POCO jean, which we also kinda want - look how jeans-y they are. Jeans and a nice top is just a look you can't deny works. It's best to wear yellow with jeans, anyway. Wear with black and the bumblebee comparisons are inevitable.
Satin Blouse with Tied Bow €39.95
The shade nods to the acid hues that are a big trend this season and a nice antidote to muted colours, like the dress Kate Middleton wore yesterday. (And the belt and shoes, don't forget.) This is a statement top that you can grab when you have 'nothing to wear' - just style it like Pippa and go. We love how understated her hair and makeup is and we'll follow her lead in that department, too.
Do you like the top? Do you think it will suit Pippa and the likes of her but no one else?